How to buy and not regret

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How to buy and not regret

Post by mdshamiul222 » 18 Oct 2023 05:10

Hello! If you are tired of buying and not receiving what you bought; and regretting after a purchase – be it a product or service – and want to know how to avoid this, come with me and I’ll teach you how to buy! Unfortunately, this is what happens most, at least here in Brazil. I have seen several times cases where we purchased a product or service; It arrives at delivery time and we are faced with that disappointment, which is why learning how to buy is so important nowadays. I will use several examples here from the market I know, the digital market, in which I have been involved for over 13 years . Therefore, nothing more fair than exemplifying what happens in our market, but which should also happen in others, just like yours. I have already received several complaints from business owners who paid for a digital marketing service and the company “disappeared” with that money and never provided the service. This is one example among many others. Companies that pretend to be big and have a team, when in fact they don't even exist. This is a classic example, which I have seen happen many times. And for that reason, we must be very careful.

I've seen websites and virtual stores being hacked, leaving obscene messages on the client's websites and stores, generating inestimable losses for the brand and the client's business. Furthermore, there phone list are people calling themselves experts in digital marketing, without even having worked in the area for a year or two, 100% focused on it. They are those people who take advantage of their spare time to learn something and then want to go around selling what they have learned. Nothing against that, but don't say you're a specialist, because you're not – to be one, you need at least five years of full-time work in the area; courses, preparation, study and experience are required. So be careful , because this happens all the time ! And the most serious of all: clients being sued for using copyright-free images and content . In other words, that hired “expert” used images that could not be used, in addition to content copied from other websites; and the client who has that content on their website who is processed. It's not the guy who put it there who will take the case, but you, the client , who is using these images because you don't have the right to them.


This is very dangerous, which is why you should pay close attention to the next points I will mention to try to prevent this from happening to you and your business. Of course, I am exemplifying the market that I know, as already said. But, in your market, these tips that I will share can also be applied: how you should proceed when hiring a company. This way, you will have a greater chance of getting it right when compared to the method you use today. Let's go to them: 1) You must know if this company really exists Ask for the CNPJ; consult him; type in Google: “consult CNPJ Federal Revenue”; A link will appear to consult the CNPJ of that company and check its registration status. It's an easy way to verify that can eliminate some cheaters from the market. 2) Check how many years this company has been operating in the market This person is saying they are an expert , but how many years have they been in business? How long does she have her CNPJ? How long has her trademark been registered? Does she have a trademark and is she truly committed to this business, or is she someone who is just taking advantage of the opportunity to make a little money? If you want to hire a serious company, you should check it out. Has this company been operating for over 9 years? If she calls herself a specialist, she needs at least 5 years.

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Re: How to buy and not regret

Post by wolfkiler » 04 Mar 2024 02:09


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